The Media Workers Association will on Thursday June 25th donate a quantity of perishable food items and cleaning substances to the Cedars Home for battered women.
The gesture is part of the 17th successive observance of Media week, being celebrated this year under the theme” Media workers challenge to engage in more research, dialogue, and investigation to communicate”.
The donation to homes has been a traditional part of the week over the years and an idea of veteran journalist Rae Roberts
The presentation to the Cedars home will take place at two o clock on Thursday afternoon.
MWAG President Rawle Titus will hand over the items to home director Janel Francis in a short ceremony at the compound.
The items were contributed by media workers and media houses as well as from MWAG and include canned stuff, sugar, flour rice as well as soap powder and disinfectant
We are also grateful to the Marketing and National Importing Board (MNIB) who also contributed a quantity of fruits and vegetables to this cause.
MWAG executive will like to thank all the media workers and media houses who came forward to make donations to this worthy cause.