St. George’s, April 14, 2011 – Two senior tourism officials have reiterated Grenada’s commitment to developing the country’s tourism product through the concept of sports tourism.
Tourism Minister Peter David and Chairman of the Grenada Board of Tourism (GBT), Richard Strachan, have emphasized that sports tourism is a top priority.
They made the comments Wednesday as plans were announced for the hosting of the 24th Grenada International Triathlon.
The event is on Sunday, May 1. The headquarters is Port Louis Marina, which is also hosting the OECS Triathlon Championship on May 1.
Minister David commended the organisers and sponsors of the International Triathlon, saying he is impressed with the title of the event, which is called “Tri de Spice.’’
Mr. Strachan, in demonstration of the Board of Tourism’s commitment to the triathlon, made a donation of EC$2,500 to Marc DeCaul, Race Director of the Grenada Triathlon Race Committee.
The GBT Chairman said promoting sports tourism remains high on the agenda of Board of Tourism.
Mr. DeCaul said registration for the triathlon – which includes swimming, cycling and running – will continue until Saturday, April 30.
Events will be held along Lagoon Road, Port Highway and the Carenage. Among visiting participants will be teams from Trinidad, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada.
There will be a junior segment of the triathlon, sponsored by Republic Bank Grenada Ltd., as well as a five kilometer fun race opened to all Grenadians. It is designed to motivate nationals to maintain healthy lifestyles.
About a dozen schools are expected to participate in the Republic Bank’s “Right Start Inter-Schools’ Triathlon Championship.’’