
Michael Hall resigns as WIPA Chief Executive Officer

Kingston, JAMAICA, December 24, 2013.  The West Indies Players Association (WIPA) today announced the resignation of its Chief Executive Officer, Michael Hall. Hall, who has served the sport in several capacities for more than a decade, has resigned to pursue other opportunities, although he will remain as a Director of WIPA.

“We are sorry to see Michael leave his role as the CEO of the Association,” said WIPA’s President Wavell Hinds. “He is a more than capable administrator, who provided a steady, level-headed approach to the handling of the players’ business during his tenure. We are pleased that he will continue to serve the region’s players by remaining as a member of WIPA’s board.”

Hall’s role in cricket administration began in 2001, when he was appointed Chief Cricket Operations Officer at the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB). In 2004 he was named Executive Director of Jamaica Cricket 2007 Ltd., where he spearheaded Jamaica’s successful bid response which led to the award of their 2007 ICC Cricket World Cup packages.

He was hired in 2005 as the Cricket Operations Director for the 2007 Cricket World Cup and led the team which successfully managed the moment by moment activities and logistical movements of all sixteen 25-man squads and the match officials who took part in the tournament.

He joined WIPA in November 2010 as a non-Executive Director and was appointed CEO in April 2012 following the retirement of Dinanath Ramnarine.

“I am honoured to have served the players of the region through my role as CEO of WIPA,” said Hall. “I hope that the players with whom I interacted would have, in some small way, felt the passion and commitment which I believe I brought to the job. I must thank WIPA’s dedicated and conscientious staff who have given me tremendous support, as well as WIPA’s legal team who have assisted me immeasurably.”

Referring to the fact that there is currently no Collective Bargaining Agreement in place as he leaves WIPA, Hall said that while this was true, much of the groundwork had been laid and he would seek to remain involved in that regard.

“We (WIPA and the WICB) have agreed a base document as the starting point for the negotiations and we have been pressing the WICB to commit to a date, and continue to await their response. I have been invited to remain as a part of WIPA’s bargaining team and fully intend to accept that invitation.”

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