Two villages in St Andrew are meeting this week to enhance their preparations for the very active Hurricane season.
The Disaster Preparedness Committees of Marquis and Lapotrie are coming together Thursday evening at the Marquis Pre-Primary School from seven-thirty.
Discussions will focus on the readiness of the committees to respond to the passage of a possible hurricane. The preparedness and management of Hurricane Shelters in the areas will also be highlighted.
Villagers in and around the areas are invited to be briefed on the preparations in the areas and their response, in the wake of another hurricane.
As predicted, it has been a very active Hurricane season with at least six hurricanes pounding the region. Haiti, Cuba, Jamaica and the Turks &Caicos have been affected with the loss of lives and billions of dollars in damage.
NADMA has hailed the efforts of the two villages and warns the nation to be on their guard for any eventualities.
It urges nationals to strengthen their homes and to secure basic food stuffs water, medicines and other items..