Sponsors of the private sector were able to view the progress of their Junior Achievement (JA) companies relative to other companies, at a series of Open House sessions conducted in Grenada and Carriacou from March 4th – 7th, 2008. Jessie Cumberbatch, JA Coordinator at the Grenada Chamber of Industry & Commerce coordinated the events at four (4) locations, starting at Bain’s Hall Conference Room, GBSS Auditorium, St. Rose Modern Secondary School and finishing at Hillsborough in Carriacou. Parents were invited to attend this event to get an update on how their 4th form sons and daughters were progressing with their business plans. The young Entrepreneurs were asked questions about their product or service, their breakeven analysis, their sales goals and their marketing plans. The Consultants from sponsors were present assisting the Achievers with answers to these business questions and presented their JA Companies with Charter Certificates. St. George’s University, who is a major sponsor of JA, had their student consultants on hand to provide assistance with the business theory as well. The next stage of the JA programme is to continue production and sales to prepare for the annual trade fair in May 2008, where all the JA companies will come together to display their goods and services. A graduation ceremony is planned for the end of the school year (June 2008) where the students get to celebrate their success and receive prizes for the best business, team and individual awards. According to Chairperson of the JA Committee Patricia Maher “it was great to see the students pitch their product and justify their business plans at the Open House forum”. .