

Matches played on Thursday October 22,2009 in the INTERSECTORS NETBALL TOURNAMENT produced the following results:

  • Ministry of Health was not defensive enough to stop Huggins as they went down 9-25.
  • Ministry of Sports disciplined Education Dazzlers 36-11.
  • Hubbards edged Teachers 26-23
  • Flow Media Bombsquad and SGU Pacers played to draw at 25-25.

No games will be played on Saturday October 24, 2009. games will resume on Tuesday October 27, 2009 with the follwoing matches:

  • At 6pm Ministry of Health will take on new Image Finance on court #1  while on court # 2 ministries Combined will play Teachers
  • At 7pm Huggins will play Flow Media Bombsquad on court #1 while Hubbards and Ministry of Sports will battle on court #2; these two teams played in the finals last year.

The public is invited to come out to an evening of exciting games for teh entire family. There will also be a Lucozade booth where patrons can get the product  on a deal, 3 for $10.

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