Local News

Identifying and endorsing candidates for general election

St. George’s, April 13, 2012 – Public Relations Officer of the National Democratic Congress, Sen. Arley Gill, is confident that within weeks potential NDC candidates would have been identified and endorsed to run in all constituencies at the next general election.

“The process of identifying and endorsing candidates is continuing,’’ he said. “So far, five candidates have been endorsed and the process have gone relatively well, except in one or two cases where known troublemakers have tried to disrupt constituency branch meetings.’’

The latest candidate to be endorsed was Joseph Gilbert, MP for St. Patrick West. His endorsement took place at a St. Patrick West Constituency Branch meeting on Thursday night.

“MP Gilbert received the resounding support of members of the Constituency Branch in St. Patrick West,’’ Sen. Gill said. “Like all other potential candidates, his name will be submitted to the National Executive of the NDC for ratification and final approval.’’

Other candidates that so far have been endorsed are Labour Minister Glynis Roberts (South St. George); Works Minister Denneth Modeste (St. Mark); Minister for Carriacou and Petite Martinique Affairs, George Prime (Carriacou and Petite Martinique); and tourism consultant Dr. George Vincent (St. John).

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