Local News, Religious News

Hundreds of Grenadians attends 30th Annual Conference of Grenada SDA In Brooklyn

President Crofton Calliste
President Crofton Calliste

October 13, 2013 – Brooklyn, NY:  Hundreds of Grenadians of the Seventh-Day Adventist faith attended the 30th annual convention of the Grenada Carriacou and Petite Martinique Adventist Organization at the Wingate High School Auditorium in Brooklyn, New York yesterday.

The GNYAO was founded 30 years ago with a small group of Adventist migrating from Grenada. The Organization was the first of its kind in New York and was followed by other Caribbean Islands forming similar groups.

President Crofton Calliste announced plans for the second medical mission trip to Grenada in July 2014.  Two years ago the organization visited Grenada and provided health care service to Grenadians in all parishes.

Mr. Calliste has extended an invitation to any doctors, nurses and any other health personnel to join the trip to assist the people of Grenada in July 2014.

The featured speaker for the day was Brother Anderson Felix from the Crochu SDA Church.  He spoke on modern day condition affecting the church today and was punctuated by loud applauds and Amen.

Also attending was the Grenada Honorary Consul General Derrick James who brought greeting to the audience.

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