Local News

Health Minister Encourages his staff to be Proactive and Productive

Thursday November 27th 2008, St. George’s; Minister of Health, Hon. Karl Hood has called upon his staff to at the Ministerial Complex to be more proactive and productive as the put Grenada first.

Noting the importance of the Ministry of Health as a service-provider, the Minister told his staff that, it is important for every member of staff to take ownership of what they do and become more proactive, productive, and transform the Ministry’s overall image.

“It as something we really want to do. We should be happy to come to work and find our working environment very open and friendly. All I can ask of us is to do our best,”  He said.

Minister Hood pledged to work closely with his staff to provide the best available healthcare to all Grenadians. He encouraged them to “put Grenada first.”  

“I do not care about political affiliation. I do not care who you voted for or support. That’s your personal business and I don’t care. I do care about working hard doing the best for our country, whoever is in office, he said

He reminded staff that after politicians and political parties fade, the work to build Grenada continues.  He called on staff to be open and “frank” with him.

According to Minister Hood since taking up duties as Health Minister, he has learnt quiet a lot and enjoys working with the staff.

“I hate hypocrisy, so let us work in the best interest of our country, because after all its country first and I believe in country first”, he told his staff, who later gave the Minister their commitment to work closely with him in the interest of the Ministry and country.


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