Caribbean News, Commentaries

HAITI ON OUR MINDS!! By Neals J. Chitan

January 12, 2010 goes down in history as the worst devastation ever to be experienced in the Caribbean. Haiti, a nation of approximately nine million was in a few seconds rocked to its core by a 7.1 earthquake which left in its trail the totally demolished and crippled capital city of Port-au-Prince, with a death toll of nearly two hundred thousand.
This massive and unexpected devastation has not only trapped the Haitian people under the concrete rubble, squeezing the life out of them, but has also trapped them in the downward spiral of acute and compounded loss, grief and despair, squeezing the rays of hope from their lives.
 In response, Motiv-8 For Change International-a high impact agency which specializes in empowering broken and traumatized individuals, has stepped up to the plate and in collaboration with the Consulate General of Grenada in Toronto and the city of Toronto, will be hosting the powerful social skill session, “7 STEPS TO DISARM LOSS, GRIEF & DEPRESSION” dedicated to the Haitian people and other Caribbean families, especially our Grenadian families who are currently dealing with the trauma, hurt and grief of the violent unexpected death of their sons here in Toronto. Special invitations are extended to the families of the late Kenneth Mark and Andy James two productive and successful sons of Paradise St. Andrew’s who fell to violence within six months of each other.
 We have already met with the Honorary Consulate General of Haiti in Toronto -Dr. Eric Pierre and his strategizing team at the University of Toronto. They have shown much appreciation and gratitude for this session and plan on mobilizing their community to come out to access the social empowerment offered as they attempt to build their lives back gradually.
 This Session convenes on March 13th, 2010 at 3.00 P.M at the York Civic Centre-2700 Eglinton Ave.W. Toronto, and is specially designed and copyrighted to deal with all aspects of human loss, grief and the despair that can occur as a result. It features full cognitive strategies which will decode the process while implementing an interceptive element meant to break the downward spiral that can lead into depression. All are invited despite ethnic background, socio-economic status or country of origin.
 Neals J. Chitan
 Neals J. Chitan-President
 Lifestyle Enhancement Educator
 Motiv-8 For Change International
 24 Hr. Line: 647-290-8763

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