Local News

Grenadians Voted for Change – Did GULP played Spoiler?

Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell, a breath of fresh air

Grenadians went to the polls yesterday and voters overwhelmingly voted the opposition National Democratic Congress NDC under a youthful Dickon Mitchell by 9-6 majority.

The biggest casualty is the veteran Deputy Prime Minister Gregory Bowen who lost to a young first time candidate Phillip Telesford. Other incumbent failing to retain their seats are Yolande Bain-Horsford, Alvin Dabreo, Kindra Maturine-Stewart, Pamela Moses who made the phrase “reelect the NNP so we can continue to suffer” popular during the election campaign and Oliver Joseph who was beaten by NDC leader Dickon Mitchell with the largest win of 1,673 votes.

The GULP on their return might have played the roll of spoiler in the St. John constituency where the incumbent Alvin Dabreo lost by seven votes to the relatively unknown Ms Kerryne James. Mr Geoffrey Preudhomme of the GULP got a very important nineteen votes. We may never know if that nineteen votes would have made a difference in St. John.

GULP Leader Geoffrey Preudhomme

Speaking at a celebration rally in St. David Prime Minister elect Dickon Mitchell told the large crowd that of supporters that this victory is for all Grenadians. We are no longer Green or Yellow and that all Grenadians will be treated equally. One of the biggest criticism of the NNP was that their supporters got all the benefits.

During the celebration last night the flood lights were shut off leaving only the stage lights to provide lighting for a huge crowd. An appeal was made by the MC to have the person turn back the lights, however it took about half and hour before it came back on.

The losing New National Party conceded defeat through party chairman Roland Bhola who congratulated Dickon Mitchell and the NDC on their victory.

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