ST. GEORGE’S, September 30, 2008 – Concerned members of the Grenada National Museum met last week to discuss how Spice Islanders might best help their sisters and brothers in Haiti after many parts of that country were devastated by recent floods. The Grenada National Museum Haiti Relief Fund has been established to facilitate donations to two Haitian Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), FONKOZE and Zanmi Lasante, working in the fields of micro-credit and community healthcare respectively. An account has been set up at Grenada Co-operative Bank, making it easy for all Grenadians, at home and abroad, to contribute.
On Wednesday, October 1st, at 5pm, Grenada’s creative crowd will gather at Déjà Vu Lounge, St. George’s classy cocktail bar above the Reno Theatre, for AVANSE AYITI (Forward Haiti) – an evening of music, poetry and mixed drinks inspired by the Haitian struggle for freedom. Members of the Haiti Relief Fund committee will explain the work being done by the Haitian NGOs and detail their fundraising plans.
Ann Worme of the Grenada National Museum explains that, “Grenadians remember Ivan, we remember when we were in need and people we didn’t know reached into their pockets for us. Now, we have an opportunity to pass this positive energy forward by reaching into our own pockets and pulling out whatever we can for the people of Haiti.”
Individual contributions to the Grenada National Museum Haiti Relief Fund can be made at any Grenada Co-operative Bank branch throughout the sister islands to:
ACCOUNT NAME: Grenada National Museum Haiti Relief Fund
For those who wish to make a wire transfer donation, correspondent bank details for various currencies have been listed on the Haiti Relief Fund website <>. Bank statements and accounting records for all Fund activities will be posted on-line for public scrutiny. Background information on the crisis in Haiti and the work being done by Fonkoze and Zanmi Lasante can also be found at this site.