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Grenadian National Receives Award From Major Venezuelan Entertainment Organization

Caracas January 7, 2009 : Grenadian born Deslyn Mc Queen was honored on Monday December 15, 2009, at – Edificio Celarg, Altarmira, Caracas in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for her exceptional performance for the past ten years to the major Venezuelan Entertainment Organization AVINPRO, ¨The Venezuelan Association of Artistes and Producers¨. Ms. Mc Queen hails from Sauteurs, St. Patrick, Grenada and migrated to Caracas, Venezuela 26 years ago when she was only 19 years old.

Ms. Mc Queen started to work in the said company in another department ten years ago where she was responsible for registering all interested artiste who had interest in becoming members of AVINPRO, two years ago she was promoted to the position of Manager of Collections, when asked what her responsibility entails she simply explained having to find money to pay all the artistes.

Ms. Mc Queen is the mother of three (two boys and one girl), she is also an active member of the Grenadian Association in Caracas and holds the position of Treasurer on the executive.

Everyone here at the Embassy of Grenada in Caracas will like to use this opportunity to congratulate Ms. Mc Queen on her resent accomplishment and wish her all the best in the future.

Submitted by the Embassy of Grenada, Caracas

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