St. George’s, Grenada, Tuesday 3rd May 2011: It is widely accepted that a liar needs the memory of the Attic Fox to cover his tracts, and outspoken attorney at Law Anslem Clouden who has built his reputation on lies, deception and character assassination is now reaping the fruits of his labour. The Holy Bible in Numbers 32:23 say “…be sure your sins will find you out”.
On Tuesday 19th April, 2011 Clouden made a public apology to proprietor and developer of Calivigny Island, Ambassador George Cohen, for remarks and allegations made in two press conferences he called on November 22nd 2003 and January 6th 2004. His apology was carried by all media houses on the island.
The reckless behavior demonstrated by Clouden and some of his Associates has caused many families here in Grenada and overseas, a tremendous amount of pain. So what motivated Clouden to launch these unwarranted and despicable attacks on peace loving citizens of the State? The answer is without question, POLITICS; unethical politics where one will seek to gain POWER by any means necessary, the type of dirty politics devoid of feelings and concern for humanity.
Here is an excerpt from Clouden’s apology “I acknowledge that those remarks and allegations was not intended to be an attack on Ambassador Cohen, but was designed to ultimately admonish the then Government of Grenada (the NNP of Dr. Keith Mitchell). I conceded that those remarks and allegations made by me were wholly untrue and unfounded. I withdraw those unequivocally.” [Watch]
This forced and obviously in-genuine “Apology” has many implications. It is apparent that Clouden did not work alone, but was part of a major scheme to unseat Dr. Keith Mitchell and his New National Party from office. The question is: “how low will so-call intelligent men stoop, to get POWER?” Is it any surprise that Clouden was also part of the team of Lawyers who perpetuated and peddled the infamous “Brief Case” story to the Grenadian people as truth? Further, let us bring to your remembrance his claim that “he has a copy of the TAPE with the evidence”; the same tape I believe the former Attorney General Jimmy Bristol and the Director of Public Prosecution Mr. Christopher Nelson journeyed to Washington to view but were sworn to secrecy about its contents.
Further, what about the case of bribery brought by Jack Gryenberg against former Energy Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Gregory Bowen and ultimately against the State of Grenada; in which Clouden appeared as a witness for Gryenburg in a law suit? That action proved that Clouden was also quite willing to give away our beautiful Island to a “madman” (Gryenburg) for “30 pieces of silver” in his attempt to bring down Mr. Bowen and ultimately destroy the NNP Government.
For his role in “attempting” to destroy the NNP, he has now received his 30 pieces of silver; Clouden has been appointed an Ambassador and he is presently the lead player in bringing a Brazilian company to the country to build a Free Port on the Sister Island of Carriacou. Is this payment in full to Clouden for his contribution in getting Honourable Tillman Thomas into office or is this Government still indebted to Clouden? What is this Government’s full obligation to the likes of Clouden?
It is obvious that Clouden and his legal hoodlums did not consider the negative effects their actions would ultimately have on the economy of Grenada. We are part of the global village, and technology has brought us even closer together. Therefore, the unwarranted attack on one foreign investor is an attack on all. No wonder there is no serious economic activity on the island to create employment; with the exception of the Government’s road de-bushing program.
The NNP calls on Prime Minister Tillman Thomas on behalf of the people of Grenada, to publicly condemn and denounce the actions of Clouden and by so doing demonstrate to the public and especially the children of Grenada that lies, propaganda and mischief-making, cannot be accepted as a normal part of the fabric of our society. According to Abraham Lincoln “Character is like a tree, and reputation is like its shadow.
The ministry of Education is presently refocusing the curriculum to involve Life Skills. Character Solutions is a major component of the ministry’s efforts. We are cognizant of the fact that children who focus only on increasing their knowledge and developing their skills will not be prepared for a fulfilling life as adults. Life demands more than knowledge and skills. One may have Knowledge and Skills but without Character, it will always lead to failure. Mr. Prime Minister we as Leaders, Teachers and Parents have to be mindful of the rippling effects of our actions. We must endeavour at all times to ensure that the rippling effects that we cause are positive.
To our young men and women who are considering the field of law as the career path they intend to follow, please don’t be discourage by the attitude and actions of Clouden. His actions are not a true representation or characterization of this noble profession. This profession is still graced with men and women of great repute and character. Pursue your dreams and become a lawyer par excellence. It’s in your hand to change the image of the profession.
Can we as a people believe the likes of Clouden, whenever he opens his mouth to speak? Will any reputable media outfit allow Clouden to use their facility to lie, mislead and deceive the people again? I leave it up to Clouden to start respecting the country and its people and stop trying to make us an international laughing-stock.
The NNP is heartened by the fact that many apologies are coming from various sources, both publicly and privately; from persons who openly admits to having been mis-led by the likes of Clouden and his Associates. The NNP is forgiving and has a “HEART”. Grenada belongs to ALL of us and we have a country to build; let’s get on with the work.