Local News

Grenada’s Code of Political Conduct

 All political parties except the ruling New National Party contesting the July 8, 2008 general election  in Grenada have signed the code of conduct.  Here is the full document.

WHEREAS Chapter 1 Section 1 of the Constitution of Grenada guarantees fundamental rights and freedoms to all citizens, including, in 1 (b):

“Freedom of conscience, of expression and of assembly and association”

AND WHEREAS Universal Adult Suffrage is a fundamental right enshrined in the Constitution of Grenada;

AND WHEREAS the attainment of this right enables the People of Grenada to decide for themselves in whom they wish to entrust the governing of the Nation;

AND WHEREAS candidates for elections must give the electorate the opportunity to fulfil its responsibility to make informed decisions when choosing a government for Grenada;

AND WHEREAS this Code of Political Conduct is in keeping with the CARICOM Charter of Civil Society to which Grenada became a signatory on February 19th, 1997,

AND WHEREAS Article XXIV of the Charter, “Awareness and Responsibilities of the People” , recognizes  that  “ the people have an important role to play in the pursuit and maintenance of good governance.

AND WHEREAS in recognition of the foregoing, the following non-partisan, non-political organisations (together hereinafter referred to as the Civil Society) have compiled this CIVIL SOCIETY DECLARATION – A CODE OF POLITICAL CONDUCT to be signed by the representatives of political parties and independent candidates listed in this Declaration.

Participating Civil Society Organisations are: 

Conference of Churches

Friends of the Earth-Grenada

Grenada Bar Association

Grenada Chamber of Industry and Commerce (GCIC)

Grenada Co-operative Credit Union League

Grenada Federation of Agriculture and Fisheries Organization

Grenada Employers Federation (GEF)

Grenada Human Rights Organisation

Grenada Professional Assn. of Calypsonians and Tents (G-PACT)

Grenada Trade Union Council (GTUC)

Inter Agency Group of Development Organisation – Member Organisations:

Agency for Rural Transformation (ART)

Grenada Community Development Agency (GRENCODA)

Grenada Education Development Programme (GRENED)

Grenada National Council for the Disabled (GNCD)

            Grenada National Organisation of Women (GNOW)

Media Workers Association of Grenada (MWAG)

NCH Grenada Inc.

St. Andrew’s Organisation for Development (SADO)

St. John’s Social and Cultural Organization (SJSCO)

St. Mark’s Development Organisation

St. Patrick’s Organisation for Development

The Willie Redhead Foundation


1.      GOAL

The goal of this Civil Society Declaration of Code of Political Conduct is:


“To create a political environment within Grenada which promotes free and fair elections, upholds the fundamental rights and freedoms of all citizens, upholds the rule of law, and demonstrates respect for all citizens and observance of the democratic process.”


This Code of Political Conduct is intended to achieve the following objectives:

(i)           Contribute to the holding of peaceful, free and fair elections

(ii)         Ensure continuing respect for internationally recognised human, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.

(iii)       Foster and encourage people’s participation in the electoral process and uphold their right to make political choices.

(iv)        Promote public education on acceptable political conduct

(v)          To facilitate civil society and the public at large in set ting up systems and taking  initiatives for monitoring, evaluating and reporting on the level of adherence to the Code of Political  Conduct

(vi)        Encourage sanctions by the public and other entities for non-compliance to this Code of Political Conduct


Section 1

Political parties and candidates, including Independent Candidates, who are engaged in public political campaigns, rallies, meetings and other forms of political activities in connection with General Elections AGREE TO:

(i)           Uphold the Constitution and the spirit and letter of the laws relating to the holding of public activities and election campaigns. 


Address themselves to issues and principles dealing with national growth, sustainable socio-economic development and concerns of the people, including environmental issues.

(iii)       Maintain the highest moral principles and ethics with regards to the campaign, the general elections, and in the aftermath of the elections.

(iv)        Co-operate with the police in maintaining law and order during election campaigns.

(v)          Do everything to promote respect, tolerance, harmony and peace amongst their supporters and the general public.

(vi)        Let their own behaviour be a positive example that promotes respect, tolerance, harmony and peace to supporters and the general public during the campaign, the general elections, and in the aftermath of the elections.  

(vii)      Identify, and publish the name of a representative who will be responsible for all matters related to this code and who will liaise with the Watchdog Committee of Civil Society as established under this Code.

Section 2

Political parties and candidates, including Independent Candidates, who are engaged in public political campaigns, rallies, meetings and other forms of political activities in connection with the forthcoming General Elections AGREE TO REFRAIN FROM:

(i)           The use of half-truths, lies, innuendos, bribes and threats to gain political advantage

(ii)         The use of race, country of origin, sex, gender, religion or class to mobilise support or to vilify any individual, family, professional groups or sections of the community.

(iii)       Engaging directly or indirectly in character assassination.

(iv)        Making derogatory and degrading comments about women holding public office or offering themselves for public office.

(v)          Saying or doing anything to invite, encourage or foster hatred, resentment or any form of violence.


Disrupting religious services and other organised community activities.

(vii)      Defacing public and private property and structures.

(viii)    Using threats and all other forms of intimidation against members of the media.

(ix)        The inappropriate and unauthorised use and abuse of minors in the campaign process.

(x)          Engaging in noise pollution.

(xi)        The use and abuse of State resources for political campaigns. 

Section 3

Political parties and candidates, including Independent Candidates, who are engaged in public political campaigns, rallies, meetings and other forms of political activities in connection with the forthcoming General Elections, AGREE TO ENSURE THAT:

(i)           Chairpersons of all political campaign events appeal to supporters and the general public for peaceful behaviour.

(ii)         Whenever political activities are held at roadsides, there is no undue obstruction to road users nor inconvenience to the general public

(iii)       All private and public property rights are respected

(iv)        Measures are taken to clean the environs immediately following the holding of these events.


A Watchdog Committee shall be set up to monitor and evaluate adherence to this Code of Political Conduct by parties and candidates during the campaign process. 

The Committee shall be constituted upon signing of this Code and will be made up of not less than fifteen but not more than twenty-one persons recommended by members of the participating civil society organisations and selected by the Steering Committee of Civil Society Organisations of Grenada.

The public will be encouraged to report breaches of this Code to the Watch Dog Committee.

The functions of the Watchdog Committee will be to:

(i)                 Set up a Public Education Sub-committee to conduct public education around the Code and issues that civil society wants politicians to address on the platform

(ii)               monitor the election campaign activities and conduct of candidates

(iii)             network with bodies, such as the Organisation of American States,  which are also involved in monitoring elections in Grenada and networking with regional and international bodies which place governance as an important objective

(iv)              actively engage different networks which can bring moral suasion to bear on the conduct of political parties

(v)                meet with political parties, as part of local networking to advocate for adherence to the Code of Political Conduct

(vi)              Implement related activities consistent with the spirit of this Code as mandated by the broader body of civil society

(vii)            Report to the broader body of civil society, and through it, to the public


Now therefore all political parties and independent candidates which have affixed their signature hereto undertake to support and adopt the principles of this Code of Political Conduct as outlined herein.


……………………………………………….                       ………….……

Civil Society Representative                                                          Date

……………………………………………….                       ………..………

On Behalf of Good Old Democracy                                               Date

………………………………………………                        ………………

On Behalf of the Grenada Renaissance Party                            Date

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On Behalf of the Grenada United Labour Party                           Date

……………………………………………….                       …………….

On Behalf of the National Democratic Congress                        Date

……………………………………………….                       …….…………

On Behalf of the New National Party                                             Date

……………………………………………….                       ……….………

On Behalf of the People’s Labour Movement                               Date  

………………………………………………                        ………….….

Independent Candidate                                                                   Date

………………………………………………                        …………….

Independent Candidate                                                                   Date




The Inter Agency Group of Development Organisations co-ordinated a consultation process with the objective of developing a Code of Political Conduct. To guide the conduct of the campaign for elections expected in 2008.

Invitations were extended to broad cross-section of civil society organisations, all political parties and knowledgeable individuals to participate in the consultation which reviewed the 2003 Code of Political Conduct.

The first consultation, which reviewed the 2003 Code, took place at the conference centre of   the Grenada Red Cross, Lucas Street on Thursday, May 8th.   Invitations to participate were extended to Civil Society Organisations, all political parties, and selected individuals for their professional expertise.  A Drafting Committee was mandated to draft the document based on the comments and recommendations of the consultation.

Members of the Drafting Committee were:

  • Elaine Henry-McQueen – convenor
  • Mr. Arthur Foster
  • Ms. Victoria Hughes
  • Mr. Christopher De Riggs

A second meeting, held on May 23rd at the same venue, reviewed the work of the Drafting Committee and approved the final document to be circulated for signing.  It also identified the priority issues that civil society would want parties and candidates to address on the political platform.  It also made recommendations in respect of persons and organisations to make up the Watch Dog Committee.

Following the second review, the approved document was circulated to other civil society organisations, inviting their endorsement of the document.  All civil society organisations endorsing the document are named in the preamble as “Participating Civil Society Organisations”.

The following organisations, political parties and individuals participated in the two consultation and review meetings:

Civil Society Organisations:

Conference of Churches

Friends of the Earth, Grenada

Grenada Bar Association

Grenada Chamber of Industry and Commerce

Grenada Co-operative Credit Union League

Grenada Federation of Agriculture and Fisheries Organization

Grenada Human Rights Organisation

Grenada Professional Association of Calypsonians and Tents

Grenada Trade Union Council

Inter Agency Group of Development Organisations:

Agency for Rural Transformation (ART)

Grenada Community Development Agency (GRENCODA)

Grenada Education Development Programme (GRENED)

Grenada National Council for the Disabled (GNCD)

Grenada National Organisation of Women (GNOW)

Media Workers Association of Grenada

NCH Grenada Inc.

St. Andrew’s Organisation for Development (SADO)

St. John’s Social and Cultural Organization (SJSCO)

St. Mark’s Development Organisation

St. Patrick’s Organisation for Development

The Willie Redhead Foundation

Political Parties:

Grenada United Labour Party

National Democratic Congress


Claude Douglas, Milestone Institute

Franka Alexis-Bernadine

George Grant, Grenada Broadcast

Victoria Hughes, Wise Communications


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