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Grenada PM announces Cabinet Changes

Grenada’s prime ,minister Tillman Thomas on Thursday evening announced his cabinet shuffle.  Among the newly appointed ministers are Sen. Ann Peters who hosted a pre election radio call in program for the NDC, Sylvester Quarless MP for St. Andrew’s South West. Peter David has been relieved of the Tourism Ministry while maintaining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Tillman Thomas, Prime Minister, National Security, Legal Affairs, Public Administration, Information, Information Technology, Culture
 Nazim Burke, Finance, Planning, Economy, Energy and Cooperatives
 Peter David, Foreign Affairs
 Patrick Simmons, Youth Empowerment and Sports
 Michael Church, Environment, Foreign Trade and Export Development
  Alleyne Walker, Housing, Lands and Community Development
 Joseph Gilbert, Works, Physical Development and Public Utilities
 Karl Hood, Labour, Social Security and Ecclesiastical Affairs
 Sylvester Quarless, Social Development
 Glynis Roberts, Tourism
 Michael Lett, Forestry, Agriculture, Fisheries
 George Prime, Carriacou and Petite Martinique Affairs
 Franck Alexis-Bernardine, Education, Human Resource Development
 Anne Peters, Health
 Glen Noel, Min. of State in Housing, lands and community Dev
 Arley Gill, Min. of State in the PM’s office, Information, Information Technology, Culture

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