Local News

Grenada Lupus Foundation Launched

Grenadians who suffer from Lupus, on Thursday evening launched the Grenada Lupus Foundation (GLF) which will assist, educate and care for person living with the dreadful ailment.

The Foundation was officially launched by Minister of State in the Ministry of Health, Sen. the Hon. Ann Peters. The launch was also attended by patron of the Foundation, Lady Gloria Williams, President of the Grenada Medical Association, Dr. Debra-Ann Stephens-John and President and Founder of the St. Lucia Rheumatic and Lupus Association, Dr. Amanda King as well as other Grenadian medical practitioners, stakeholders, patients and members of the public.   

Describing the launch as historic, Minister Peters said it will become a permanent hallmark in the history of Grenada ’s healthcare development.

Mrs. Peters who used the opportunity to reaffirm the Ministry’s and Government’s commitment to and support for the foundation, invited the GLF, to partner with the health promotion team at the Ministry of Health to fulfil its mission to educate clients, their families and the public about Lupus.

“I would also pledge my Government’s support to your research efforts, to find scientific information or new modalities that can be utilized to enhance the quality of life for persons with Lupus, their family members and friends”, she added.

The island’s junior Minister for Health, called on the Foundation to seek grants and fellowships from international organizations with input from both Government and the Private sector. She said this should be part of the ongoing commitment to bring down the barriers in developing new treatments and finding a cure for Lupus.  

Mrs. Peters suggested that the foundation can venture into areas such as pediatric/adolescent Lupus, Lupus in males, kidney diseases and Lupus, and the cognitive effects of Lupus.

Founder of the (GLF) Mrs. Hazel Bierzynski said the organization was formed in honour of her sister’s death and incorporated in February of 2002.

She said since that time numerous efforts have been made to raise awareness, assist and care for persons living with the illness.

Mrs. Bierzynski was very high in praise for Mrs. Lisa Duncan and family and other persons whom she described as pillars of support to the Foundation since its inception.

There were also words of commendation to the executive members of the organization  from other speakers including Doctors John and King, for dedicating their time and commitment and making personal sacrifices to the newly launched Foundation..     

Lupus is a chronic systemic inflammatory disorder that is auto-immune and can be triggered by various forms of stress, sun florescent lights and certain types of drugs..

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