Grenada will join the rest of the international community on Thursday, April 28, in marking World Day of Health and Safety in the Workplace.
THE MINISTRY OF LBABOUR will commemorate the day under the theme, “Occupational Safety and Health Management System – A Tool for Continual Improvement”.
Issues on temperature control, appropriate lighting, acceptable noise levels, proper work gear and comfortable seating – all part of what is known as the “Decent Work Agenda’’ – are some of the areas that will be explored on April 28.
Ministry of Labour officials will visit factories and carry out inspections. They’ll also speak to employees and employers on the importance of observing safety and health in the workplace.
Another major highlight of Thursday’s World Day of Health and Safety in the Workplace is a work environment exhibition at the Ministerial Complex in Tanteen, St. George’s.
The exhibition will showcase workplace safety equipment, with Labour Officers available on site to explain issues surrounding health and safety in the workplace. Safety brochures will also be distributed to visitors to the exhibition.
Grenada’s Labour Commissioner Cyrus Griffith, speaking on the ”Decent Work Agenda”, said that a well-designed work environment encourages higher productivity and competitiveness.