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The DMJ Creative Foundation for the Performing Arts continues its series of Grenada

Co-operative Bank Junior Calypso Workshops, which are geared toward improving the writing skills of our young while increasing their knowledge and interest in one our most important indigenous artforms.


In its second term, the series of workshops continue around the island with the term culminating with back to back workshops in St. John for young people in St. John and St. Mark, over the Easter holidays. 

This school term DMJ Creative was fortunate to have the services of veteran Calypsonian Wayne “Impluse” Modeste from Trinidad. The 2005 Young King of Trinidad and Tobago has a very impressive writing resume having penned songs for the likes of Denise Belfon, Crazy, Singing Sandra, Ronnie McIntosh and others. The experience and knowledge of Mr. Modeste was a most pleasant addition to the workshops and the enthusiasm of the participants was certainly reflective of the impact of his presence.

As a writer himself Mr. Modeste was able to point out the importance of story-telling, observation and the use of the English language to inform and entertain. 


The progress of the participants in the workshops has been most impressive; in fact several of the Junior Calypsonians are now in the preparatory stages of recording songs that they have written as a result of the workshops.


The DMJ Foundation for the Performing Arts would like to thank the Grenada Calypso Judges Association for its continued support of the Grenada Co-operative Bank Junior Calypso Workshops. The dedication of this group has been crucial to the success of the workshops to date.


At the risk of being repetitive the Foundation would once again like to thank our sponsors for acknowledging the importance of human resource development, especially among our young people, through their support and involvement in the Grenada Co-operative Bank Junior Calypso Workshops. The Grenada Bottling Company, Courts Grenada Ltd., Mitchell’s Pharmacy, Duty Free Caribbean Holdings and our title sponsor the Grenada Co-operative Bank Ltd., must all be resoundingly commended for participation in what is quickly turning into a significant and essential undertaking.


The DMJ Foundation for the Performing Arts re-affirms its commitment to the development of the young people of Grenada, Carriacou and Petit Martinique and can give the re-assurance that there will be a noticeable difference in the quality of Calypsos sung by junior calypsonians in 2008, additionally there will be more exposure of those songs through proper recordings and distribution to radio stations and other media outlets.

“Much education today is monumentally ineffective. All too often we are giving young people cut flowers when we should be teaching them to grow their own plants.”

 John William Gardner  Former  US Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare.


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