St. George’s March 13, 2020 – The Government of Grenada announces that with effect from Monday, March 16th, ALL schools in Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique will be closed, until further notice, as a necessary precaution against the contracting or spread of COVID- 19.
Further, teachers are being asked to work from home from next Wednesday, March 18th. Educators and administrators are asked to report to schools on Monday and Tuesday, March 16th and 17th, to prepare all relevant material needed to work remotely.
The Government of Grenada has been monitoring recent developments in the region regarding the pandemic COVID-19 virus, and has deemed the action outlined above as an absolutely critical next step in safeguarding our population aga inst this pandemic.
The Government of Grenada will continue to monitor the developments related to the virus and will review decisions as more information and updates are made available.
Meanwhile, the Grenada Ministry of Health reminds the population to continue to exercise an abundance of caution in everyday practices, to protect themselves and their families. Those include constant and proper hand-washing with soap and water, or the use of an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, with at least 70 per cent alcohol.
People are urged to abstain from touching their faces (eyes, nose and mouth) with unclean hands, and that social distancing should be practised as much as possible.
For the latest and most up-to-date information on the novel #coronavirus #COVID19, visit the Government of Grenada’s webpage or the Ministry of Health’s Facebook page at Facebook/HealthGrenada.
If you are experiencing symptoms such as cough, fever or difficulty breathing, call the coronavirus information line: at 53VIRUS – 538-4787 or 458-4787