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Government of Grenada welcomes Dr. Neville Ying to finalize diaspora engagement policy & 5 year Action Plan

June 2, 2020. Grenada – The Government of Grenada (GoG) supported by the UN International Organization for Migration (IOM), welcomes the recruitment of Dr. Neville Ying to lead the finalization of the Grenada National Diaspora Engagement Policy & 5-year action plan. With this development, the GoG moves forward with its committment to formally create a meaningful, collaborative framework to mainstream the inclusion of the Grenadian diaspora in nation-building.  

  Dr. Ying has had a distinguished career in both the Public and Private sector as well as Higher Education institutions in his native Jamaica. His research and consultancy work span the areas of Diaspora Governance and Engagement, Strategic Thinking, Transformational Leadership, Measurement and evaluation, Labour and Employment Relations, Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Development. Dr. Ying served as Executive Director of the Jamaica Diaspora Institute from 2009-2018 where a key highlight was the establishment of the new Jamaica Diaspora Institute. Widely regarded as a champion in the progressive development of the Jamaican/Caribbean Diaspora movement, Dr. Ying has consulted extensively with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jamaica on several diaspora related concerns including; design and development of several Biennial Diaspora Conferences, the establishment of the Jamaica Diaspora Foundation, the Joint Select Committee of the Houses of Parliament, the Jamaica Diaspora Advisory Board and most recently, the New Diaspora Policy for Jamaica.     Minister for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs, Hon. Peter David made the following statement in welcoming the engagement of the Consultant, “The Government of Grenada is excited to embark on this significant step in the formalization of the Grenada/Diaspora relationship for national development with such a distinguished and well respected regional expert in the field of diaspora engagement. Dr. Ying brings a wealth of experience and expertise we are confident will help us achieve our goals for a mutually beneficial partnership with the diaspora now and in the future.”

  It is widely accepted that there exists within the Grenadian diaspora, enormous potential in skills, capital, knowledge, expertise and willingness to positively contribute to growth of the Grenadian economy, which has largely remained untapped.

This policy will address some of the areas of challenge in this regard. Key areas include remittances, diaspora tourism, improving consular services to Grenadians abroad, knowledge transfer, investments, generational youth engagement among others.

    Building on the consultative process that has happened over the years, formulation of the policy will be carried out using additional consultation with the Government of Grenada members of the diaspora, public and private sector, academia among other stakeholders and will be aligned to the goals of the National Sustainability Plan-Vision 2030.

The finalized policy will be tabled in Cabinet for Parliamentary approval. The policy forms one of the 5 key activities under the Grenadian Diaspora for Development (GD4D) project funded by the International Development Fund (IDF) which also includes a mapping exercise, diaspora information website, skills gap analysis and remittance workshop.

  Dr. Ying will be introduced to the global diaspora via a virtual meeting to be convened in the next 23 weeks as part of the data collection and consultative process.

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