Grenada’s Health Minister, Senator the Hon. Ann-David Antoine, says her Government will continue to support the Grenada Heart foundation (GHF), a programme that has benefited several Grenadians over the years. The Minister reiterated her Government’s commitment during a press conference on Tuesday April 1st, 2008 where it was announced that the Grenada Heart Foundation has recorded its 202nd successful heart surgery. According to Sen. Ann David-Antoine, the Grenada Heart Foundation is known to have assisted several Grenadian families and individuals not only with surgery but by providing hope and in some cases counseling for its patients. The two latest patients to undergo heart surgery were five month old Anthony Daniel of Belle Isle, St. David and four month old Andrew Harris of Happy Hill, St.George. The two toddlers were both accompanied by their mothers Palricer Daniel and Antoinette Harris to the Jacksonville and Wolfsons Children Hospital in Miami, Florida on March 3rd and were prepared for surgery on March 6th and 7th. According to Assistant Coordinator of the GHF Ms. Jennifer Solomon, the cost of surgery was in the region of USD 30,000-50,000 per child. Solomon mentioned that assistance was also given by Chores and local prominent pediatrician Dr. Beverly Nelson. Both operations were successful and the children returned to Grenada on March 31st 2008. Mothers of the both boys expressed thanks to the Government of Grenada, the Grenada Heart Foundation, Chores and all who came to their assistance. Each year the Grenada Heart Foundation assists between 6-8 children that require heart surgery and according to their statistics, they have assisted more than 26 adults..