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Government contemplating new draft copyright act by Year-end

The Grenada Government is moving ahead with plans to ensure that the work of cultural and other performing artistes, as well as literary and other practitioners, are fully protected.

Minister of State in the Ministry of Culture, Senator Arley Gill met and held discussion on the subject, on Wednesday 20th August, 2008, with Supreme Court Registrar, Mr. Robert Branch.

Mr. Branch has been spearheading the drive to create awareness about intellectual property rights, which is the legal mechanism that protects creative work by giving the exponents of the work the exclusive right to control their production. Senator Gill says Government is engaged in setting up structures that would afford the nation’s performing actors and writers their fair returns from their work. He views it as a way to bolster the performing Arts in general and music industry in particular.

Senator Gill and Mr. Branch noted the work of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), which is assisting the Government in drafting the necessary Intellectual Property Legislation, which would entail a new Copyright Act.

The new Copyright Act will cover several areas that are not addressed in the old law, such as the WIPO Internet Treaty. It is expected that under the new functions a Companies and Intellectual Property Office will be set up to assist in copyright issues. It will also develop a Collective Management Society for the collection of royalties on behalf of rights’ owners. Minister Gill refers to government’s commitment in the establishment of the new copyright development as one that will “give our performers greater acclaim on the local, regional and international circuit.” It’s a move, he explained, that has been long outstanding and he says everything will be done in his power to speed up the process.

Senator Gill has confirmed that the Government is also committed to assisting the Copyright Organization of Grenada to effectively support its membership.

He has hinted that a draft of the new Copyright Act could be ready before the end of the year..

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