In the midst of reports that international flights are arriving in Grenada with visitors and Grenadians Residing Abroad, to attend various reunion activities and enjoy the August Festivals, the Grenada Board of Tourism, will again conduct its annual “Meet & Greet” programme at the airport.
This year’s event begins on Thursday July 31 and continues on a daily basis until Saturday August 9. It will involve the delivery of local musical entertainment and a mix of drinks.
Support for this is being provided by the Grenada Distillers Limited, the Grenada Airports Authority and the Grenada Breweries Ltd.
The Grenada Board of Tourism considers it important to showcase its hospitality to arriving passengers in order to convey a sense of the celebratory mood that mirrors Grenada’s celebration of Carnival and other cultural events.
It is believed that this annual hospitality programme puts arriving visitors in a frame of mind that reflects positively on Grenada’s hospitality while also preparing them for the fun and excitement that is associated with “Spice Mas”.
In addition to the work of the Grenada Board of Tourism to promote Carnival regionally and internationally, the annual “Meet & Greet” programme constitutes another means by which the Grenada Board of Tourism is contributing towards making Carnival a cultural celebration that matches with past traditions. .