July 3, 2008 – When the New National Party (NNP) under the leadership of Dr. Keith Mitchell appointed Sir Danny Williams a member of the NNP as Governor General and Lawrence Joseph then chairman of the NNP as Speaker of the House of Representative; not many said anything. Dr. Mitchell then appointed another NNP member Kenny Lalsing as president of the Senate; again not many people had much to say.
Little did they know that a dictatorship was conceived in Grenada. This dictatorship has went on the appoint another NNP supporter as Supervisor of Election; this time there was lot of complaint that the NNP was planning to win the next election by any means necessary including fraud and unfair means.
Just a few days before the July 8 poll, the final voters list is not yet out for the political parties and voters to review. Already people are complaining that they have not receive their voter ID card. Some voters whose residents are bordering another constituency noticed their names were moved to that neighboring constituency. It’s either the Parliamentary Election Office does not know the boundaries or names were moved to favor a particular candidate.
A few days before election the Parliamentary Election Office is in a mess, they are having major problems with the voters list and will be hard pressed to have a smooth running of the polls on July 8. The ruling NNP is running an advertisement for voters whose names are missing form the list to call the NNP office and not the Election Office.
The Government Information Service TV (GISTV) staffed public workers who are paid by the Government is used to promote candidates of the ruling party with one hour profile of each candidate every day. The GIS also carries political rallies of the NNP. The NNP also use the Staff of the GIS to broadcast live political rallies on several local radio stations. Employees are also used to video tape rallies of the ruling NNP using GIS equipment and vehicles. These vehicles can be seen carrying posters supporting candidates of the ruling party.
If a new government is elected it will be forced to replace these public workers at the GIS and will unjustly claim political victimization from the new regime.
A number of media workers has reported receiving threatening phone calls from supporters of the ruling party. Even the NNP candidate for St. John’s has been accused by at least two young ladies of assault; the Prime Minister subsequently denied all allegations and expressed his support for the candidate. Just two days ago he was charged for criminal assault by the St. John’s police and is due to appear in the St. John’s Magistrate Court on July 15, 2008..
I agree with you Theo.
When will our politicians start focusing on the real issues.
The senseless killings (13 : two per month), youth violence, (Cutlass generation), accountability, mismanagement, and real bona fide investments and agricultural development. Who will put their neck out and be counted for being a drum major for justice and fair play.
i am listening and waiting for the time when Grenada will be blessed with people who are the “real deal”.
Permit me to say that both parties are bashing at each other. I am a listener to VOG and i have to shake my head at both NNP and NDC during their meetings. So far, I hardly heard any of them speaking about the good they would do for the country, just lashing out at each other. Both NNP and NDC should make sure when having meetings to tell the people what good you will do to help the country.
since you claim to know who I am then you should know that I do not support any wrong doing . Does not matter by whom. I want as much as you do, the same prosperity and development for Grenada.
So please get to know me. you will be amazed.
I will not get in a cross fire here with you. Grenada has a government but it’s deinately not the NNP.
How could someone like you who should know better support all the wrong things being done by the NNP. I am not a supporter of the NDC nor NNP. But wrong is always wrong.
admin you are correct.
parliament has been dissolved.
But answer this question. is Grenada without a government currently?
Let me see how smart you are.
My criticism of NDC remains the same. STOP BLAMING OTHERS FOR YOU POOR
Have you seen their slogan? :For Grenada to grow Keith Mitchell must go”
NDC sounds as though they are desperately trying to get rid of an individual rather than a system of governance.
NDC has to focus on the issues and make that comparison not on individuals. Lets take a look into the “closets” of both sides. Not a pretty picture huh?
Can we even take a look at the US presidential elections. Look at the process. Do we see the name calling and bashing that is too prevalent in our system? Can we life our politics a little higher?
Unless NDC does that, I am predicting that they are playing into the hands of NNP.
Reply to Spiceman46:
I understand you ignorance of the system. The NNP is not the government. Paliament was desolved over two weeks. If you listen the radio you will hear an ad from the NNP advising voters to call the NNP office to check if their name is on the list and where they should vote, what list are they talking about when the final list is not release as yet. Is it that the NNP has the list and that they are holding it back so that the other parties will not get a chance to review it?
Look at all the accusation of maleficences claimed by NDC :
1. Problems in the electoral office and that people should call the NNP office to find out where they need to vote.
1. The consulate office using its influence to bring Grenadians back home to vote
3. GIS employees working for NNP during meetings and rallies (NNP is the government. GIS is Government Information Service)
……..And the list goes on and on.
Ladies and gentlemen NDC should stop blaming people for its obvious losing trend which will be the same again this election. I suggest to NDC is that if you are serious about forming the next government that you should highlight what YOU CAN DO FOR THE COUNTRY AND ITS PEOPLE AND NOT WHAT NNP OR ANY OTHER GOVERNMENT CANNOT DO.