Caribbean News


In what is being heralded as a milestone achievement by the small regional Collective Management Organization, the Eastern Caribbean Collective Organisation for Music Rights (ECCO) Inc. will on Friday 5th August 2011, distribute royalties to its members and members of affiliated societies around the world for performances of their music in Saint Lucia and the Common Wealth of Dominica. 

Although ECCO (formerly HMS) has an unbroken 10 year record of distributing royalties earned in Saint Lucia, members throughout the Eastern Caribbean region will for the first time benefit from revenue and performance data from Dominica.

Members and affiliates will share a revenue pool of $245,000 representing ECCO’s operating surplus for the period 2010.  Approximately $50,000 will be paid direct to ECCO members in the form of Allocations and the balance paid on performance data from the specified territories.

ECCO General Manager Steve Etienne says “Our licensing activities in Dominica have born fruits to the benefit of our members, particular for those based in Dominica.  Similar efforts in Antigua & Barbuda, Grenada and St. Vincent & the Grenadines in the years ahead will generate larger revenue surplus for distributing against the regions diverse performance data pool to benefit the regions songwriters”

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