Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Fellow Grenadians,
I bring you greetings this Christmas season, as we celebrate the birth of the One to whom we owe everything: the One on whom we rely to carry us through each day.
Sisters and brothers, this has been a remarkable, but challenging year…and it is by God’s grace that we are overcoming daily. Therefore, let us not forget to be truly thankful for the birth of Jesus Christ; the true reason for this season, and for our existence.
This season, more than ever before, I can truly say that all Grenadians are working together for the betterment of our society. We are united in a common cause: that of nation building.
Nothing is more important to us now as we face our future and provide stability for the generations to come. As we reflect on the challenges we face, and the sacrifices that we have been called to make, I know that those are not easy pills to swallow; but bear in mind, sisters and brothers, that we are putting our country first.
I understand the pressures that families face, and as a government we will do everything in our power to ease that burden. Nevertheless, in order to get over, we have been called on to make some sacrifices—tough choices for us as leaders, but necessary—if we are to dig ourselves out of the economic slumps in which this nation has found itself.
Through whatever the circumstances, I urge us all to continue being thankful for our many blessings, and to know that the sacrifices we make today will pay off tomorrow. My friends, there is hope for a brighter day. That is the hope that governs our decisions, and that is the hope that I want to share with you this season.
Let us therefore, keep hope as our central message this holiday season, and let us keep the ChristChild as our central focus. For unto us a child is born…it is that ChristChild that gives us the courage to continue, and a reason to celebrate.
Let our laughter and our joy ring through this land, this season and always. I will be here with you. I will continue to walk the walk with you, and to work tirelessly with you—and for you, everyday.
Brothers and sisters, this Holiday season, let’s celebrate the Grenadian spirit.
…So, on behalf of my family, and on behalf of the Government and People of our beautiful Tri-Island state of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique, I wish you all a very blessed Christmas and a happy New Year.