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Crown Agents Bank, the leading bank in the UK for the disbursement of development aid, has once more collaborated with the Grenada Co-operative Bank Ltd. to present a Credit Appraisal Techniques 1 Workshop at the Coyaba Beach Resort from 7 – 11 April 2008.   A similar workshop was previously held in May 2003 and played a major part in enhancing critical banking skills in the area of Credit. Crown Agents Bank, which celebrates its 175th anniversary of their founding this year, has been providing banking services support to development agencies, governments, central banks and other public and private sector organisations worldwide.   They have a long and distinguished history of training and the Grenada Co-operative Bank has been privileged to join them to ensure the delivery of this important workshop to benefit financial institutions in our region.  Assessment and control of credit risk is vital to modern banking systems and this latest workshop will bring together 28 participants from regional and local banks and financial institution.   These included 1st National Banks of St. Lucia Limited, Bank of St. Lucia Limited, National Bank of Dominica, RBTT Bank Grenada Ltd., Republic Bank (G’da) Ltd, Grenada Co-operative Bank Ltd, Communal Co-operative Credit Union, Grenada Public Service Credit Union and the Grenada Building & Loan Association..

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