My Fellow Grenadians
It is with great pleasure that, on behalf my family, the executive and members of my party, and on my own behalf, I extend warm and fraternal Christmas greetings as well best wishes for a peaceful and enjoyable season to all citizens of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique whether at home or abroad, and also to all those foreign nationals resident or visiting with us during this very important time of year.
Christmas is indeed a very important time of year to our people. To us, it is more than a tradition as its meaning and significance goes beyond the day and the season. For the birth of the Christ Child, the Saviour of mankind is an event that has given purpose to our lives here on earth as well as hope and assurance for eternity.
As we know, Christmas is a time of sharing and of giving; a time to show that we truly care for and about others, a time to demonstrate our kinship with our immediate family and members of the wider community. For as we give, as we share, as we interrelate positively with others, we ourselves and humanity as a whole will certainly become strengthened. The Christmas message of peace, love and salvation is certainly the kind of message which can and will enable mankind to prosper and to overcome the divisions which limit our development.
It is therefore my hope that this year, each of us will seek to continue our time-honoured tradition of promoting and observing peace, goodwill and togetherness, and the sharing of whatever we can with our friends and neighbours and even those we may not know or be familiar with.
While we celebrate, we must be ever mindful of the fact that due in part to the times in which we live and the particular circumstances within our country, there are thousands of our people who are unable to fully enjoy the joys of Christmas. There are many among us who because of the dire economic situation simply cannot afford to purchase anything special; in fact there are many who are at the risk of going hungry on Christmas day. In addition there are some among us who are sick or institutionalized and therefore unable to fully enjoy Christmas joys. I urge those among us who are more fortunate to reach out to those who are in need of whatever we can give this Christmas time, whether it is love, attention and caring or products that will enable an individual or a family to have a happy Christmas.
Our basic human instincts and the love that we all should have for those around us, should compel us to reach out to such people and to do what we can to ensure that like the rest of us they are able to enjoy the fullness of the season. As faith without works is dead, so love that does not reach out to others in practical terms is unfulfilled and ineffectual. My hope is that this Christmas be one in which all the people of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique will be motivated to demonstrate that kind of love and caring which will enable neighbours, friends and loved ones, and even the strangers among us, to feel that we are all part of big family. For it is only this kind of endeavour that will truly make us ONE PEOPLE, ONE FAMILY in accordance the words of our National Anthem.
All Grenadians are aware that my party, the New National Party has always identified itself with the poor and less fortunate among us, whether we are in or out of Government, we always made a special effort to ensure that such persons would be able to join with the rest of the population in having a merry Christmas. In spite of our current situation, we pledge to do whatever we can to brighten the Christmas of at least some of our people. We know that we do not have the resources, but we have a heart, and that will lead us to do whatever little we are able to.
My fellow Grenadians, we are all fully aware that so far, 2011 has been a very tough year. I therefore urge everyone to take the time to relax and to enjoy the benefits of being with friends, family and loved ones this Christmas. When things are as tough as they are these days quality time is of great importance to all of us, Most of all let us not ever forget to thank the almighty for however much or little that we may have for he is the source of all our blessings.
Finally, to my family and friends, to all workers in the public and private sectors, to all teachers, doctors and nurses, to the members of the business community, to all members of the security forces who will help to keep us safe during the season, to all farmers, fishermen and others who help us all to have a happy Christmas, to all the members of the Parliament; and to all my constituents and the people of Grenada in general, I again extend best wishes for a peaceful and enjoyable Christmas season.
Thank You and May God Bless everyone.