By Dr. Neals Chitan The departure lounge at the Robert L Bradshaw International Airport in St. Kitts was quickly becoming a hive of disgruntled travellers on Monday December 17, 2018 as a crippled Leeward Island Air Transport (LIAT) flight 313 sat totally incapacitated on the tarmac. As fellow travellers in […]
What’s in a name?
By Dr. Neals Chitan Being born in the Spice Island of Grenada, a place where the annual carnival pulls thousands from all over Europe, North America and the Caribbean to our shores, I know this article may get under the skin of many of my countrymen. However, I think Grenadians […]
When social intervention clasp hands with prayer, mountains will move
By Dr. Neals J. Chitan As a boy growing up in a Christian home, I was always encouraged by my parents and church to pray about the issues that I had to deal with in my young life. Deep issues of sibling hurt, bullying, unfair blame and favouritism were met […]
Toronto can learn a lesson from the Caribbean!
By Dr. Neals Chitan The recent spate of gun violence that has erupted in Toronto, my hometown, is indeed troubling. Over the past month the gun has ruled the streets throwing citizens, city hall and law enforcement alike into a helpless downward spiral of deep concern and helplessness. The controversial […]
A bridge over troubled water for St. Kitts-Nevis
By Dr. Neals J. Chitan Despite months of social intervention in the Federation of St. Kitts-Nevis, the guns are still intermittently popping, stealing the lives of targeted and unsuspecting victims alike. Of course, the numbers have shown an encouraging decline, like the 45% drop in homicides on the mainland of […]
By Dr. Neals Chitan In a recent Technical Working Group meeting of the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative at the Marriott Hotel in St. Kitts, May 10-11, 2018, the agenda was skillfully manicured to address issues influencing the upsurge in crime and violence which the Caribbean region has been experiencing in […]
Hurting People, Hurt People!!
By Dr. Neals J. Chitan April 23, holds a sad memory for me. Despite the fact it was fourteen years ago, a boy never really gets over the loss of his father, and I vividly remember the stabbing pain in my heart as I entered the room to view my […]
Improving safety at our beaches
Caribupdate Weekly, Editorial April 12, 2018 Every tragic event, especially when it involves the death of a child, evokes a torrent of emotions including anger, and finger-pointing and blame directed at anyone believed responsible for the unfortunate incident. This was exactly the scenario after the Easter Monday drowning of Caleb […]
Transforming goals into reality
Caribupdate Weekly, Editorial March 28, 2018 The cabinet of ministers, headed by Prime Minister Dr Keith Mitchell, has had a working week to settle into their ministries and begin the serious business of governance of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique. There is no denying that the administration has set […]
“God will heal your pain” says Nevis’ Grade 6 boy to physical assault victim!
By Dr. Neals J. Chitan Over the past month, the Federation of St. Kitts-Nevis was rocked by two incidences of violence against women that created deep concerns not only among local women’s rights groups but among the wider regional community. The village of Keys on the eastern side of St. […]
STOP and THINK before legislating on Marijuana!!
By Dr. Neals J. Chitan The decriminalizing and legalizing of Marijuana-the so-called “Herb of Wisdom” has topped the charts as one of the hottest issues being considered by governments and people in developed and under-developed countries alike in our 21st century one-world society, where each sets precedence for the other […]
Bullying and crime reduction demands a relevant strategy!
By Neals J. Chitan At about 8.30 AM on Tuesday, February 23, 2016, pandemonium broke out in the hallways of a Toronto suburban area high school where an alleged 14 year old, grade nine girl, whipped out two knives and indiscriminately attacked students, wounding six (mostly all girls) and three […]
If you profess it, then possess it!
By Neals Chitan The term sanctuary is used predominantly today as a noun, referring to a large so-called “holy” open-concept room where weekly worship occurs. However, sanctuary was anciently used as a verb to describe an action of giving protective immunity to a criminal or person in trouble who was […]
In Recognition of Good Political Leadership by Ronald ‘Pappy’ Charles
What are the qualities of a good political leader? And when does good political leadership become synonymous with political greatness? The word “leadership,” when used to describe the work of a politician, is often viewed in a pejorative manner. Hopefully, this writing will bring about some form of amelioration to […]
Making Grenada a viable sports-tourism destination
Caribupdate Weekly, Editorial October 9, 2014 We are excited, as we are sure all Grenadians are, that everything seems to be falling in place for next year’s cricket Test, England versus the West Indies, to be played at the National Stadium. The hosting of the game is an opportunity for […]