Local News

Burke, Noel bat for Grenada PM


St. George’s, June 7, 2012 – Two NDC political party executive members, who are also government ministers, have brushed aside suggestions that there was something untoward in Prime Minister Tillman Thomas receiving a cash contribution from a foreign donor in his capacity as leader of the ruling National Democratic Congress.

Deputy leader and Minister of Finance, Nazim Burke, and former NDC chairman Glen Noel, both have also reaffirmed their confidence in the honesty and integrity of the prime minister.

“My belief in him and his integrity is unwavering,’’ Information Minister Noel told Byron Campbell, host of the CC6 Wednesday evening television program, You Decide.

Earlier in the day, on the Grenada Broadcasting Network’s To the Point radio show, Burke also backed Prime Minister Thomas, saying there are “many people in Grenada and elsewhere’’ who contribute financially to the NDC and the opposition New National Party (NNP) and do not want to be identified as donors.

“They may fear recrimination,’’ Burke said.

Revelation of a money transfer was first made public last month by opposition leader and head of the NNP, Dr. Keith Mitchell, who claimed that a “top government minister’’ had received US$150,000 from a Saudi Arabian donor through a local bank.

That charge of a US$150,000 Saudi donation has been denied by the prime minister. According to his press secretary, an individual with “corporate residence’’ in the British Virgin Islands made a US$50,000 contribution and “at every stage, it was the understanding and belief of Prime Minister Thomas, that these funds were intended to assist the NDC and for no other purpose.’’

Some NDC executive members have said publicly that they were unaware of the donation to the party.

Burke said there have been previous occasions when cash or equipment is received by the relevant “custodians’’ of the party and he never enquired on exactly what is received and how much.

Noel added that it is a “lie’’ and “simple political mischief’’ for any executive member to assert ignorance of the money.

He referenced to NDC treasurer, Bernard Isaac, who said that he reported to the NDC’s general council in March on money he had collected from Prime Minister Thomas “to pay bills in the name of the party.’’

Noel said the prime minister was right in denying receiving or having knowledge of a US$150,000 donation from Saudi Arabia.

The burden of proof that such a sum was received is on the opposition leader, said Noel.

The Information Minister said he believes that “very soon,’’ Prime Minister Thomas “will speak to it and close the matter’’ of the money transaction.

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