The body of Linnea Veinotte has been found after Akim Frank surrendered himself to the police late last night.
Linnea’s husband, Matt Veinotte, thanked the Royal Grenada Police Force for their efforts, and said on behalf of all the family; “We are of course devastated at the loss of our beautiful Linnea, mother, wife, daughter, sister, and a friend to so many. We would like to thank the many hundreds of people who helped in the search and the many, many thousands in Grenada and around the world who have offered their support, kindness and prayers. Thank you all.”
No press interviews or further comments will be made at this time by Matt or the family. We ask the members of the press to please respect the privacy of the family at this difficult time. Any further enquiries should be made to the police on any of the numbers below.
Matt said “We are now changing this page into an ‘In memory of Linnea Veinotte’ page, as a living testament, particularly for our boys, to show the love people felt for Linnea. We invite people to share their thoughts, pictures and memories of Linnea… and hopefully as many happy ones as possible, please.”
Matt will be writing a longer personal note to thank everyone soon.
Please note too that Linnea will be laid to rest in her homeland in Canada but a memorial service will be held in Grenada in the New Year at a date and location to be announced.
We thank you all again for your kind support and prayers. Linnea; may you rest in peace.