St John’s, Antigua – Following is a statement of apology by the West Indies Cricket Board to Mr. Seenath Jairam S.C.
On September 12, 2012 The West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) issued a statement via its Facebook page titled, “WICB statement on Sarwan arbitration matter” to the effect that the Arbitrator, Mr. Seenath Jairam, SC had obstructed the WICB from fully presenting its defence in this matter. The impression is conveyed at paragraph 8 of the statement that the Arbitrator prevented WICB’s Counsel from cross-examining Mr. Sarwan and made findings of fact in favour on Mr. Sarwan despite emails and letters that could have been provided to disprove those facts.
After due consideration the WICB accepts the record of the proceedings as an accurate account of what transpired at the hearing, which reflects that both parties to the Arbitration were given free rein to adduce all evidence as they saw it fit before the Arbitrator. The conduct of the arbitration by Mr. Jairam, SC was in all respects fair and proper and the WICB unequivocally retracts any statement or impression to the contrary which may have been given by its previous statement and in an interview between our former Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Ernest Hilaire and the hosts of The Zone, a sports programme broadcast on SportsMax.
The WICB hereby issues this categorical public apology to Mr. Seenath Jairam, SC along with our deepest and sincere regret for any distress or embarrassment caused to him by the statement and the interview.
Dr. Julian Hunte