St. George’s, Grenada – November 24th 2010: Members of the Opposition are continuing to call on the Tillman Thomas administration to take measures to halt the worsening economic situation and reduce high levels of wastage.
The latest call comes from Parliamentary Representative for the constituency of St. Andrew North East, Hon. Roland Bhola, who says that after more than two years in Office, the NDC administration seems neither prepared nor able to take the measures required to halt the economic decline or to bring greater efficiency to Government operations.
Bhola says that not only is the NDC responsible for the extent of the financial crisis Grenada now faces. It is also has to answer for its continuing failure to take required measures and to Improve confidence.
The Opposition member is expressing serious concern about the lavish spending of the Government on overseas travel at this time of hardship and wants the Government to provide the Opposition and the country with information related to how often Government Ministers travel, who accompanies them on such travels, who pays for these trips and the benefits that comes to the country.
He is challenging the Government to not only cut back on reckless spending on travel but to also take a salary cut as was done by the NNP administration after the passage of Hurricane Ivan. He also cited the hiring of close relative and friends for exorbitant salaries in a time of crisis as another area in which the Government has been spending irresponsibly.
The Opposition member has submitted a list of questions on Government travel to Parliament. He is expecting accurate and honest answers from a Government that has promised transparency, accountability and Good Governance but has failed to deliver.