Local News

Allegations of Sexual Abuse in Grenada’s Police force

A senior spokesman for the Royal Grenada Police (RGPF) in reacting to a story in a local newspaper that focused on sexual abuse and harassment within the Royal Grenada Police admitted that there are several incidents of sexual misconduct in force both internal and external.

A female police officer sent an anonymous letter to a local newspaper in which she accused a number of officers including some high-ranking officers of engaging in the practice.

The senior spokesman of the Police Force admitted that the person who wrote the letter about sexual abuse within RGPF “is totally correct”

He said the situation will get worse if the persons involved are allowed to get away with it. He said that many women officers are afraid of making a complaint fearing victimization by their seniors. The spokesman is not too optimistic that the situation will get better any time soon.

The police commissioner in a press conference recently stated that they have taken disciplinary actions against some of the officers including dismissal.

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