Local News

A Grenadian stalwart, a true developer passes on

I spoke to Ms. Lewis at Mr. Errol Maitland’s business office, as recently as last Saturday; I remember asking her to convey my regards to Mr. Maitland; later on that afternoon, I also wished him well on the live show; and now … this news of his passing.

I am indeed saddened by this. We have indeed lost a giant of a man; a true Grenadian stalwart; a real developer.  A strong father, brother, businessman, organizer, community leader, and big-hearted philantropist.  He was a hardworker; a true visionary entrepreneur, who was in many ways ahead nof his time.

I last saw him at a hospital in Brooklyn, where I visited him a few times. He certainly never lost his witty sense of humor and candid demeanor. He remained optimistic and upbeat despite his inability to get around.

I know as a fact, that he really did miss not being able to attend to his many projects in a hands-on way – the only way he loved doing it.  He was indeed a master at multi-tasking.

Of course, he did try to inordinately use the telephone to make up for his inability to be out-and-about, but it was never quite the same for him.  He dearly missed being at work.

Something else – he never stopped dreaming. Even on his hospital bed he was discussing with me the details of a collaborative initiative aimed at obtaining advertisers from North America and expanding distribution of the Informer in this market. I was also going to assist as a copy editor for the paper. As you know, I already co-host a show on VOG radio.

I will miss this brother, indeed I will. My condolences go out to his talented children. I trust that they will continue to build on his legacy of hardwork, creative thinking, a willingness to take calculated risks (a necessary trait in every successful entrepreneur), and his awesome interpersonal and negotiation skills. 

May his soul rest in peace.

Gerry Hopkin.

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