Commentaries, World News

Is Obama Just Like George W Bush?

Germany, who did not support a United Nations resolution allowing military action to protect citizens from Moammar Gadhafi’s army, said today it is withdrawing four vessels from NATO operations near the Libyan coast.

This adds to the problems Obama faces at home from his congress.  Some members of congress are complaining that the President should have consulted them before he sent the US military to bomb Libya.  Obama who won the presidency promising to change Washington seems to be following in the same path as George W. Bush. 

This is a time when Obama should focus on the people in the USA who cannot find jobs and are loosing their homes.  College graduates cannot find jobs and will have to pay their student loans.  States are crying out and are cutting basic services for its people.

It is strange how easily the government could find money for war.  Joe Lieberman who complained that the Obamacare bill will bankrupt the country was one of the first to support the bombing.

Barack Obama who was opposed to Georg W. Bush sending US millitary to Iraq is now doing exactly the same in Libya.

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