MEXICO CITY, Mar (IPS) – Billions of barrels of crude are lying under the deep seabed in the
On the
Production is expected to increase sharply after 2011, when a 10-year commitment the
On the Cuban side of the Gulf, crude extraction from several blocks granted in concession to the Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA, Spanish company Repsol-YPF and Brazilian oil firm Petrobras, among others, is to start this year.
In the last five years, the state oil monopoly Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) has drilled only six exploratory wells, at 500 and
The government of conservative President Felipe Calderón is concerned about the head start Cuba and the United States have gained, because part of the underwater reserves are in border areas, connected by caverns and underground lakes, so that it is possible that extraction on one side of a border may deplete reserves on the other side.
In April, parliament will discuss possible reforms at PEMEX and the future of exploration in the
Drilling an oil well in shallow water costs between 10 and 15 million dollars, while in deep water the outlay can exceed 100 million dollars. There is also the challenge posed by working at huge pressure, where modern robotic techniques are essential.
Conditions for large-scale oil extraction in deep water can only be achieved 10 to 12 years after initial exploration work, which carries a high risk of failure, oil industry consultant David Shields told IPS.
In contrast to the results of studies by PEMEX and independent experts, the leftwing Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), the second largest party in parliament, sees no urgent need for exploring the Gulf seabed, and views that argument as merely an attempt to justify privatisation of PEMEX.
The left intends to organise mass demonstrations against attempts to alter state ownership of the 70-year-old PEMEX. In its view, all that is needed is to free the company from its obligation to hand over to the state an enormous proportion of its revenues, which have soared with the recent record prices for crude.
The windfall profits, amounting to 40 percent of the government’s current annual revenue, could legitimately be reinvested to reform and upgrade PEMEX and to expand its operations, the PRD says.
Over the past 20 years, PEMEX’s problems have become progressively more serious. In spite of the high prices of crude, which exceed official forecasts, it is forever in crisis, because every additional dollar goes straight into the federal coffers, and thence to state governments to make up for uncollected taxes.
Research studies warn that time is running out for
The head of PEMEX, Jesús Reyes Heroles, says that oil drilling in the
But PRD leader Andrés Manuel López Obrador says this argument “cannot be taken seriously.”
To say that
“I shall not comment on the political rhetoric, but on the hard facts, and these indicate that a plan is urgently needed to exploit the Gulf and defend the oil and gas reserves in the border areas. This implies reforming PEMEX, a technologically backward company that is in crisis,” another energy consultant, Marcelo Contreras, told IPS.
If deep water reserves are included, the future of Mexican oil could be extended to 26 years or more.
Furthermore, PEMEX would need to undergo reforms so that it could work jointly with oil companies already operating in the
Meanwhile, the Calderón administration has not explained what changes it proposes for rescuing PEMEX and facing the challenge of deep water drilling, although on this second point, spokespersons have talked about authorising a partnership with foreign state-owned companies like Petrobras.
But the authorities have repeatedly insisted that they have no plans to privatise PEMEX.
Lourdes Melgar, former head of the international division of the Energy Ministry, says that in addition to finding solutions for PEMEX and deep water exploration, this country should take urgent diplomatic action.
The goal would be to reach agreement with the
Negotiations would be aimed at defining the distribution of reserves outside the 200-nautical-mile boundary line, and how to proceed when the
These delicate issues, together with clarifying the future of PEMEX, will be at the heart of the debates in Congress over the coming weeks.
Meanwhile, national oil production is in decline. Between December and February, output fell from 3.1 to 2.9 million bpd, while exports of crude have dropped 14.6 percent, to 1.4 million bpd.