Local News

C.I.W.U Signs Agreement with Ramdhanny & Co.

 An industrial agreement between the Grenada Commercial and Industrial Worker’s Union (C.I.W.U) and L.L. Ramdhanny & Company Ltd was signed today, Wednesday 19th March 2008 in the Department of Labour. The agreement will take effect as of January 1st 2008 and shall remain in force until the 31st December 2010. The following wages were agreed upon:   YEAR ONE:  Salaries up to $1000.00 (8%) Salaries over $1000.00 – $2000.00 (6.5%) Salaries over $2000.00 (5.5%)   YEAR TWO : Salaries up to $1000.00 (7%) Salaries over $1000.00 – $2000.00 (6%) Salaries over $2000.00 (5%)     YEAR THREE:  Salaries up to $1000.00 (6%) Salaries over $1000.00 – $2000.00 (5.5%) Salaries over $2000.00 (5%)  Signing on behalf of management was Ms. Lois Rahdhanny, whilst Mr. Bishop, Mr. Mason and Ms. Lewis signed on behalf of the union. Mr. Cyrus Griffth, Labour Commissioner, Government of Grenada, witnessed the signing..

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