
Thank You God For A Half Century


As Grenadian Born President of Motiv-8 For Change International, I just want to take time to thank God on this public forum for blessing me to see this day August 09, my 50th Birthday. I can honestly say that I have never been ill during these years. At 50 I still feel 20 and credit my health and well being to a few things. 1. My faith in God. I too have made my fair share of mistakes in life but I can honestly say I have enjoyed my christian lifestyle. As an Adventist Christian, my church has not only helped me to live a healthy lifestyle(which is emphasized)but has also been a platform to develop my gifts and talents.

2. Honouring my parents. My mother always taught me to “honour my parents that my days may be long” It has worked for me. They haven’t always been right and they too have made their fair share of mistakes, but I have learnt to honor and respect them and today I enjoy the blessing they wished for me.

3. A good woman (wife). I have to thank God for a good Grenadian Woman who has loved me unconditionally. As a dreamer, I had noble aspirations which I knew would have taken much sacrifice and hurt to attain. This Mt. Rose girl has stuck with me through thick and thin and today we make an international contribution to humanity together.

4. Good friends who wished me well and encouraged me on. Developing a Social Skill Agency which has made and international impact on the lives of thousands, was hard work and thanks to my friends and professional associates who stood with me to deliver real but unpopular concepts and strategies.

On this my 50th year of life I take this opportunity to share my little secret with my Grenadian Friends, hoping that it can help someone to put things in what I see as the right order. By the way thanks to all who have believed in my work and have referred my services whether locally or internationally.

In this 21st Century when we are burying our boys to gun violence, I want to suggest to all to adopt Motiv-8 For Change International slogan “Always STOP and THINK before you PROCEED” so you can protect your safety, freedom, health and life.

Neals Chitan-President

Motiv-8 For Change International

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