President Barack Obama is confirming that all the promises he made in the campaign before he was first elected were not serious. The President has extended the U.S. Trade Embargo on Cuba for one more year. Obama has no logical reason to extend the embargo; Cuba has posed no threat to the United States for quite a long time. Obama is showing up his weakness to deal with the problems home and abroad.
The people of Cuba should be complemented for their progress over the years, a feat the USA cannot boast. Obama has failed miserably; all his promises have gone by the wayside; the promise to change Washington was just a hoax. Obama’s healthcare law is a big failure and it is now impacting workers with insurance from their employers. Employers are finding reasons in Obamacare to cut their health benefits.
Mr. Obama is on the verge of beating George W. Bush as the worst recent president. What can Obama show to justify his years as president? Absolutely nothing!
Obama is following the practice of all U.S. presidents dating back to the 1970s, under a section of the so-called “Trading With the Enemy Act.” Obama has extended the embargo, even though he has made reaching out to old U.S. foes a key plank in his foreign policy. He has missed a great opportunity to end this economic war against the people of Cuba and to normalize relations. Consequently, the world continues to be robbed of the full potential of the Cubans in the fields of Medicine and Science and Technology.
This has come while the US President is having a major problem controlling the rising deficit, which is now over 16 trillion dollars. By normalizing relationship with Cuba, Obama would have done something that others did not have the nerve to do, and thereby seal his legacy. But now, ask yourself this question: If Obama leaves office today, what would he be remembered for except being the first black president?
By T.L. Neckles