St. George’s – November 5th: – Sources close to the ‘gardens’ told CAMS – the Prime Minister has summoned McIsaac to his office today. Anslem Clouden, Grenada’s media savvy high profile criminal lawyer last week end told reporters the US Charge de affaires Ms McIsaac should be called into foreign affairs – notwithstanding Grenada’s excellent relations with United States – she should be read ‘the riot’ act.
Others in Grenada have demanded the diplomat’s recall. Momentum is building in the public for her to be declared ‘persona non grata’.
A political activist from the north of the island said it should be noted that this woman has been ‘obstructive’ to Grenadians seeking American assistance, including visas. She added, at the Thanksgiving Service in Sautures she allegedly ‘slighted’ the Prime minister – McIsaac chose, she said, to embrace the Leader of the Opposition. The disapproval from the crowd forced the US diplomat to recognise the presence of Prime Minister Tillman Thomas.
A long standing NDC insider said, McIsaac’s tour of duty ends early next year, so expressing the Government’s ‘strong disapproval’ with her intrusion into Grenada’s politics is perhaps more important than ‘expelling’ her from the island. She added the Prime Minister has been gagging public opinion he is on top of the vexing citizenship issue and he is very clear that the US Charge Ms. KarenJo McIsaac crossed the ‘line’