Local News

2008 Road Match Winner Says Thanks

I would like to thank the Almighty Father, my parents and relatives, my co- writer Wayne Green, My number one producer Shawn ‘Mr Roots’ Mitchell. To Kasey Phillips and Wayne Green for producing one of the best road mixes Grenada has ever heard.

To my performance Manager, Deleon Walters thank you for making me look good (smile) and to my entire Homebase Family thank you. To the Promoters, DJ’s, Radio Announcers, Mas bands and to the 10,000 Masqueraders without you winning would not be possible. Again, thank you for support.

To my friends and supporters who encouraged me to carry on as a first time female artiste thank you.

Thank you to Nazim “nazi-b” Benjamin of www.partygrenada.com and Ritch Image Productions for the wonderful photos and to everyone else who have given their support and words of encouragement, you’ll know who you are.

Thanks to all

Herminey Victor “Miney


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