KINGSTON, JAMAICA – The West Indies Players’ Association (WIPA) extends regards on the passing of veteran cricket journalist Tony Becca. Tony Becca served as a sports editor for the Jamaica Gleaner and was president of the Melbourne Cricket Club for many years. Becca died early on the morning of Thursday, February 28, 2019, at the Andrews Memorial Hospital in Jamaica.
The WIPA family would like to express deepest sympathies to Becca’s family and friends and to salute a true cricket enthusiast who has covered cricket for over 45 years. We are extremely grateful for his contribution to cricket as well as his many words of encouragement and advice. WIPA President and CEO Wavell Hinds remarked “we are all very saddened by this news and we extend our prayers and wishes for strength to Mr. Becca’s family and the entire cricket fraternity at this challenging time. Becca’s love and passion for cricket and sports in general, a love and passion shared by the people of the West Indies, will certainly be missed; may his soul rest in peace.”